Win a Spot in A Wild New Work!
I'm offering working women in Portland a new, innovative group experience starting October 29th, and it's called A Wild New Work.
This group is for women who are ready to make work work for them.
It's for women who want to find ways to bring more of themselves into their careers with a supportive community behind them.
We'll meet for four hours per session and dig deep into issues like intuition, boundaries at work, and work life integration.
If you're ready to shake things up in your worklife and imagine a better, wilder way of doing things, I've got some good news:
I'm giving away a spot in this group for free!
Spaces normally cost $475, but with one click, you could be joining us gratis!
Here's all you have to do: just pick a social media outlet (or choose all three and triple your chances to win!) below and "like" the post! That will enter your name into the raffle, and I'll choose the winner on Wednesday afternoon. Easy peasy!
Click here to view the Facebook post