Winter Class Series: Tracking Your Growth Cycles
With just a bit of guidance and reflection, you can attune to where you are in your own cycle of growth and take action from a place of integrity and permission rather than obligation or urgency.
With just a bit of guidance and reflection, you can attune to where you are in your own cycle of growth and take action from a place of integrity and permission rather than obligation or urgency.
In this workshop series, you’ll learn about the true story of capitalism’s emergence and how it has always been met with courageous resistance. Our wild natures know that having to exchange your life force for a wage so that you can buy what you need to live is wrong.
In a dominant culture with values that are antithetical to Life, we're not given guidance about what our gifts are or how to offer them to the village, so we have to look to the natural world as our guide instead.
We invite you to Listening to the Land: Oak Island. This is a free, monthly gathering. It will likely be quite informal and emergent. We envision a time to say hello and make offerings to the land, some individual listening, and coming together in circle to share what we've heard.
Your gifts are here for you to enjoy. They are your inner Nature, which means they are regenerative: they aren't things that should feel draining, toxic, or like a burden.
Capitalist culture maligns, appropriates, and commodifies our gifts, but what if we re-created a society in which gifts were welcomed and nurtured, from birth to elderhood? In this late Spring class, we'll be envisioning other ways we could relate to ourselves and one another.
Right now, our world is calling for sturdy adults - adults who have cultivated their connection to Earth, the seasons, and the vast web of our living world. We know that in most of our lives, there are far too few spaces and the time so rare in which we can do this life-giving, life-sustaining work.
In this weekend workshop, we consciously create that time and space to root in and allow ourselves to be pulled toward the heart of the world.
As the lines between Winter and Spring blur, we’re wise to remember how to let these seeds grow naturally, on their own perfect timing, without overly attaching to what they will become or where they’ll lead.
In this seasonally-inspired workshop, we’ll make space to ask those questions and listen for an answer from the quiet depth of the Wintry land. I’ll share some ways that I stretch into new visions for myself at this time of year and how I’ve seen that lead to greater growth come Spring.
In my experience, the land is the wisest teacher of all, and the more-than-human beings who inhabit this Earth are eager to show us new perspectives, deeper levels of connection, and alternatives to our current ways of living.
If you’re someone with an ecological heart or an established land-connection practice, I would love to gather with you this Autumn.
Rather than pushing into this Winter, rushing into each week tired and dried out, come walk into the darkness for a bit.
The process is simple: you'll spend four subsequent Sundays in alignment with the rhythms of the season and surrender to darkness earlier than you normally would.
In my experience, the land is the wisest teacher of all, and the more-than-human beings who inhabit this Earth are eager to show us new perspectives, deeper levels of connection, and alternatives to our current ways of living.
If you’re someone with an ecological heart or an established land-connection practice, I would love to gather with you this Autumn.
The systems we live in are broken – oppressive structures that are based on linear progress and exploitation of resources (including our own energy) in order to keep up with the self-proclaimed "norm" of continuous growth.
Yet, when we look to our beautiful planet Earth and Nature, we have the best example of sustainability and regeneration right there:
Nature is cyclical, and as part of Nature, so are we!
In my experience, the land is the wisest teacher of all, and the more-than-human beings who inhabit this Earth are eager to show us new perspectives, deeper levels of connection, and alternatives to our current ways of living.
If you’re someone with an ecological heart or an established land-connection practice, I would love to gather with you this Autumn.
In this workshop series, you’ll learn about the true story of capitalism’s emergence and how it has always been met with courageous resistance. Our wild natures know that having to exchange your life force for a wage so that you can buy what you need to live is wrong.
We Are the Sturdy Ones is the culminating gathering in our Rise Up Rooted series, and we invite you to join us.
Right now, our world is calling for sturdy adults - adults who have cultivated their connection to Earth, the seasons, and the vast web of our living world. We know that in most of our lives, there are far too few spaces and the time so rare in which we can do this life-giving, life-sustaining work.
In this weekend workshop, we consciously create that time and space to root in and allow ourselves to be pulled toward the heart of the world.
What we yearn toward can be a guidepost to a deeper and more aligned way to live. Our yearnings (unlike the transitory desires capitalist culture sells us) can awaken us to our own lives, and to the world around us.
So often, we are taught to ignore and stifle those yearnings.
In the ripening Summer, we will join together to honor and invite in our own and others’ yearnings. We will create time and space to pay special attention to what calls to and enlivens our spirit.
This is the 3rd of four land-based workshops in our series, Rise Up Rooted.
This Summer Solstice workshop is a chance for you to widen the possibilities available to you, clarify your focus, and step into the bright river of your agency for the rest of 2024.
In a capitalistic culture like ours, we were taught from a young age that our talents are only valuable if they lead to an income. Many of us grew up not knowing what our gifts were, or being taught to forget the fact that we had any.
Every organism in an ecosystem has an important role to fill, and that is true for you as well. You have unique perspectives, talents, and desires that want to be cultivated–regardless of whether or not they’re connected to how you earn money.
This is the 2nd in our four-part workshop series, Rise Up Rooted.
In this 5-week workshop series, you’ll learn about the true story of capitalism’s emergence and how it has always been met with courageous resistance. Our wild natures know that having to exchange your life force for a wage so that you can buy what you need to live is wrong.
One of the many things we are robbed of in a culture devoid of an intact, land-based ritual practice is a deeply rooted sense of welcome.
We each carry birth stories that may or may not have included a hearty “Welcome!” from the community we were born into.
Join us for the first workshop in our four-part series, Rise Up Rooted.
This is a free and gentle invitation to step into the soft, new beginning that you need.
In this weekend workshop series, you’ll learn about the true story of capitalism’s emergence and how it has always been met with courageous resistance. Our wild natures know that having to exchange your life force for a wage so that you can buy what you need to live is wrong.
Rather than pushing into this Winter, rushing into each week tired and dried out, come walk into the darkness for a bit.
The process is simple: you'll spend four subsequent Sundays in alignment with the rhythms of the season and surrender to darkness earlier than you normally would.
In this two-hour experience, you will visit the Land of Night inside of a strong, safe container with others who know the gifts contained within that place.
Ancestor Speak is a new, advanced offering for those who are in touch with soulful work and want it to grow in wild, aligned, organic ways.
My friends Molly Klekamp and Magda Permut are hosting an Autumn Equinox retreat outside of Portland called The Journey to the Great Below. I’ll be teaching a section on the season of Fall the first evening of the retreat, and I encourage you to look into it if you feel called! Magda and Molly are skilled practitioners and facilitators, and friends of the podcast.
In this class, you’ll learn and start to practice techniques rooted in ancient wisdom and the practice of animal tracking.
I’ll share how you can use context clues and what I call “a soft gaze” to track the messages and openings that your soul and Spirit/The Universe are sending you.
Unlearning Capitalism is a free, 4-week series exploring how we can each clear away the next layer of “gunk” that acquires from living inside of an extractive economic system.