Composting Capitalism

Decay, detox, and making new soil in our lives


We Need a New Way to Live

Composting Capitalism Is:

  • An 8-week class on the origins of capitalism and how you can make new soil out of the mess we find ourselves in

  • Open to anyone who wants to understand how we got here and what some of the most powerful antidotes to capitalism are

  • Guided by the work of Silvia Federici in her book Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation

  • Starting on Wednesday, October 2nd! Registration is now closed, but if you’d like to be emailed once I know when I’ll be teaching this again, you can fill out this short form.

Do you ever wonder how to navigate this world as someone who is forced to earn an income in order to live?

Maybe you have a steady job but are hungry for more ease and depth in your life, or you have a larger vision for yourself.

Maybe you do work that’s meaningful to you but you aren’t able to cover your living costs.

Perhaps you’re somewhere in-between, balancing your desire for autonomy and spaciousness with your need to earn a living.

It wasn’t always this complicated, and it won’t stay this way forever. Like an ancient fungus, we can be exactly where we are and transmute the toxicity of what’s here into something new.

Understand the History and Make New Freedom for Yourself

In this workshop series, you’ll learn about the true story of capitalism’s emergence and how it has always been met with courageous resistance. Our wild natures know that having to exchange your life force for a wage so that you can buy what you need to live is wrong.

Over eight sessions together, we’ll explore the incredible work of Silvia Federici, who wrote a book in 2004 titled Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation.

This book connects the emergence of capitalism in the 15th century to the destruction of common land, community, and the body, eventually leading to the European witch hunts and to colonization and the Atlantic slave trade.

We’ll explore this material in a gentle, embodied way as we metabolize this history and turn it into new vitality and energy for our modern lives.

This class helped me see the evolution of capitalism more clearly and inspired me to reenchant my life. I’m taking away new ideas, visions, and gentle practices.
— Amelia

How the Workshop Series Will Flow:

Our 90-minute sessions will be a blend of teaching from Federici’s material, grounding exercises, guided visualization, discussion, ritual, and space for questions. An outline of our time together is below:

  • Session 1: Introducing this work, creating the container for it, clarifying why we’re undertaking this material together

  • Session 2: Life before capitalism and what we wish to pull forward from it

  • Session 3: The construction of difference and how we can expand the care we put into ourselves and others

  • Session 4: Practicing land reconnection as an antidote to capitalism

  • Session 5: Rebel bodies, rebel communities, and practicing folk magic as an antidote to capitalism

  • Session 6: Honoring those who were silenced in the witch hunts that emerged as capitalism took hold

  • Session 7: Capitalism and colonization, and practicing generous exchange as an antidote to capitalism

  • Session 8: Weaving a new, postcapitalist vision together that can reshape our day to day choices about work, money, and life

In addition to our live sessions together, and because this class brings together the coolest people who should know one another, I’ll also be offering:

  • A lightly moderated WhatsApp channel where participants can connect in real time and share what they’re noticing about composting capitalism

  • Two weekend morning (PST) drop-in sessions that are open to your questions and sharing

This is For You If:

  • You’re feeling tired of trying to optimize your working life and want to understand why this is so hard

  • You’re attempting to make a living and/or build a business in ways that align with your values of care and need some reinspiration

  • You want more freedom to live in a way that’s connected to your animist, folk, or pagan traditions from way back when

Who I Am:

Hi there! My name is Megan (she/her), and when I first read Caliban and the Witch years ago, it was so clarifying and empowering.

I felt inspired by all of the heretics, workers, indigenous people, and wise women who resisted the advent of capitalism, and I was emboldened to claim my connection to the natural world and honor my desire to live in a good way. As the descendant of Europeans who were both harmed by capitalism and then perpetrated more harm through capitalism, I attempt to hold the complexity of that in a grounded, visionary way.

This is an ongoing, imperfect process. I’m a very average person who is trying to balance my body’s needs, my children’s needs, my community’s needs, and my love for the animals, plants, elements and fungi of this world with the reality of having to earn a wage. This complicated balancing act is something I help others move through in my one on one work, on my podcast, in my weekly newsletter, in my classes, and now, I hope, in this weekend workshop series.

Above all, magic seemed a form of refusal of work, of insubordination, and an instrument of grassroots resistance to power. The world has to be ‘disenchanted’ in order to be dominated.
— Silvia Federici, Caliban and the Witch

Series Details:

  • When: 11am - 12:30pm PST on Wednesdays (Recordings will be sent out after each class)

    • Session 1: Wednesday, October 2nd, 11am - 12:30pm PST

    • Session 2: Wednesday, October 9th, 11am - 12:30pm PST

    • Session 3: Wednesday, October 16th, 11am - 12:30pm PST

    • Session 4: Wednesday, October 23rd, 11am - 12:30pm PST

    • Session 5: Wednesday, October 30th, 11am - 12:30pm PST

    • Session 6: Wednesday, November 6th, 11am - 12:30pm PST

    • Session 7: Wednesday, November 13th, 11am - 12:30pm PST

    • Session 8: Wednesday, November 20th, 11am - 12:30pm PST

  • Where: Online via Zoom

  • Cost: $200 (no one will be turned away for lack of funds - please see my note on pricing and money below)

  • Registration is now closed, but if you’d like to be emailed once I know when I’ll be teaching this again, you can fill out this short form.

  • To access the book, Caliban and the Witch: you can purchase it here, download a free PDF of it here, or look for it in your local library. If reading isn’t really your thing, I encourage you to listen to the book via a site like Audible, or check out an excellent podcast series called The Book on Fire, which summarizes the book and includes commentary from the hosts.


A Note About Registration and the Exchange of Money:

As someone who lives inside of capitalism, I need money with which to pay my bills, buy food, etc. That said, it would not be in the spirit of Composting Capitalism for the registration fee to be a barrier to those of you who are ready and willing to do the work of deconstructing this yucky economic system.

If paying $200 for the class feels burdensome, please consider one or two of the following options:

  • You’re welcome to use the discount code FUNGUS50 at checkout to receive 50% off and pay $100

  • You’re welcome to use the discount code FUNGUS100 at checkout to receive 100% off and pay $0

  • I’m also open to trades or non-monetary exchanges. If you have a skill or something in abundance that you’d like to offer instead of money, I’m happy to talk openly about that!

Other Things to Know:

  • A note about the term “women” in this book: Published in 2004, this book is limited in its exploration of queer experiences and focuses primarily on those who identified as women or who were categorized as women by those in power. We know that rigid gender binaries imposed by the dominant religion in Europe at the time (Catholicism) were necessary in order for capitalism to gain a foothold, and I will do my best in this workshop series to help expand our view and be inclusive of all gender expressions and identities.

  • You don’t have to read the book to benefit from the sessions. While I highly recommend the book or the exploration of it on The Book on Fire podcast, you’ll still be oriented to the material in our sessions and then invited to work with it in your own way.

  • You don’t have to attend every live session. Sessions will be recorded, and you can attend as many as you’d like to.

  • This material is heavy at times, and this section of history can be quite gruesome. I encourage you to honor your nervous system and take care of yourself by either not attending or by setting up lots of care throughout the weekend. While I won’t be available to provide individualized support, I will approach our sessions gently and plan to include spaces to ground and orient ourselves.

  • Refunds and cancellations: You’re entitled to a full refund so long as you cancel your registration prior to the first session on Wednesday, October 2nd. Refunds won’t be granted after then, as I will already have started delivering the materials.