Posts in Podcast
Whales and the Myth of Progress

I’ve been in love with whales since my childhood, and in this episode I get to share some of their magic–particularly as it relates to our cultural myth of progress.

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Stone Wisdom for Dire Times, with Old School Nate

Today I’m honored to share a conversation with one of my beloved teachers and mentors, Old School Nate. We talk about how to see one another’s gifts, the value systems of capitalism v. the natural world, why the Autumn is a potent time to change our belief systems, and more.

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Worldviews, Women, and Reckoning, with Osprey Orielle Lake

My guest today, Osprey Orielle Lake, speaks clearly about the limits and possibilities of this moment on our planet. In this conversation, we talk about how dominant culture needs to shift in order for us to respond more intelligently to what the Earth is communicating to us. We also discuss women’s role in this work, Indigenous leadership, and exciting possibilities happening in the climate justice movement.

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The Stories We Carry, with Jane Clark

We can make so much meaning in our lives by telling the stories that live within our bodies and within the land that we inhabit. In this conversation with author Jane Clark, we explore what it means to be what she calls a “story carrier,” and how telling our stories is a way to root ourselves firmly in the midst of collective change and capitalist pressures.

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Earth and Soul, with Leah Rampy

Why should we listen to the land, and how do we even do so? In this gently flowing conversation with Leah Rampy, we discuss the benefits of communing with the Earth and ways to deepen the relationship that we already have with the land. 

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The King and the Queen Must Wed the Land

In today’s episode, we’re looking at a pre-Christian Celtic ritual in which the land and the people were brought into intimate partnership. We’ll explore how our own modern lives could change if we were sovereign and in committed relationships with the enspirited lands we inhabit.

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