Posts in Podcast
Seeds Are True Wealth, with Elizabeth Buckingham

A seed holds everything it needs to know within its tiny being. They are a symbol of Life's potential, and we need to sit and learn from them right now. In this lively and eye-opening conversation with regenerative farmer Elizabeth Buckingham, we learn about seed keeping traditions, what seeds want, and how we can align with their interests.

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To All the Edgewalkers

In this deep-Winter episode I'm talking about the necessity of edgewalkers, Deer as edgewalking mentors, and what it might mean to move between worlds and make medicine from our journeys.

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In Service to Life, with Manda Scott

In these troubling times, how can we offer ourselves in service to Life? In this sparkling and vast conversation with Manda Scott, we discuss what it means to do what needs doing and let go of the outcome, where we are in the human story, and the more-than-human support available to us in this important juncture. 

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Redefining and Reinhabiting Time, with Ixchel Lunar

As we continue to explore decline this Autumn, we bring our curiosity and openness to the concept of Time.

This conversation with Ixchel Lunar is layered, rooted, and full of insights about how to redefine Time, our connection to it, and how to flow through our days with greater ease and meaning, even as capitalism surrounds us.

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We Need Grandmother Roots

In this episode, I’m sharing some of what I’ve learned about how we can aspire to have roots as deep, large, and well-connected as the wise women of our lineages.

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