Why Slowing Down is the Best Thing for Your Career Right Now

Winter is upon us, and as the plants and animals around us prepare to hibernate and deeply rest, we ramp up for a busy holiday season and new year. Despite our shared need for rejuvenation this season, we can ignore the wisdom of Winter and perpetually stay in a cycle of urgency.

In this month’s podcast episode, I explore our innate need for rest this time of year and how we can use it to flourish in our careers. Specifically, I cover:

  • Why “human-centered design” doesn’t go far enough to make meaningful change

  • Why it’s so hard to rest in our society

  • Why slowing down creates a firm foundation upon which we can grow in the year ahead

  • Specific ways to practice slowness and expand time this season

Here are the links I mention in the episode:

  • My wise and wonderful acupuncturist, Lindsay Buchanan, who sees folks in Portland, Oregon

  • I invite you to learn more about Intuitive Career Readings, which are a nice and slow way to receive information about your career

May this episode encourage you to take the space and rest you need this season and set yourself up for greater growth in Spring and Summer!

You can listen on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and iTunes! Your subscriptions and reviews are most welcome.